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Liturgical  Art
Gallery WIP - more images coming soon 

Pascal Lamb in gilded bronze

Madonna and Child

Commissioned by the Australian Catholic University Melbourne Campus, for the Chapel Carved in Carrara marble  2000

"Madonna and Child" Sculpture in Carrara Marble ACU Melbourne, Sculptor Peter Schipperheyn

Baptismal Font

Baptismal Font carved for St Stephens Cathedral, Brisbane 1989 Carrara Marble

Dim: W 4800 mm x H 2800 H x D 1200 mm

Click to see more of this sculpture

Click to see more images of Baptismal Font Carved in Carrara Marble

Mother and Child

Carved in 1986 in Carrara Marble

Dim:  2700 mm H x 800 mm  x 800 mm

Mother and Child Carrara Marble Randwick Childrens Hospital Peter Schipperheyn

Stations of the Cross

"Jesus is taken down from the Cross"

Bronze 2024 

Commissioned for the Catholic Church OLHC Narre Warren Dim: 400 mm 

Christ Taken Down From The Cross

Pascal Lamb

St Patricks Cathedral Melbourne, Bronze

Bronze gilded with 24 crt Gold. Dim 700 mm diameter 1997

Pascal Lamb gilded bronze St Patrick's Cathedral Melbourne

Madonna and Child

Detail of the Madonna's face. Australian Catholic University 

Carrara Marble

"Madonna and Child" Australian Catholic University Carved in Carrara Marble by ASutralian Sculptor Peter Schipperheyn


Carved in 1981 in Carrara Marble

 Whitefriars College Commissioned by the Carmelite Order Dim: life-size

"Madonna" Carrara Marble carved by Peter Schipperheyn

Stations of the Cross

"Jesus dies on the Cross" Bronze 2024 

Commissioned for the Catholic Church OLHC Narre Warren Dim: 400 mm 

"Jesus Dies On The Cross" Bas relief sculpture in bronze Peter Schipperheyn

Stations of the Cross

"Jesus Falls for The third Time" 2024


Fourteen base relief sculptures Commissioned for the Catholic Church OLHC Narre Warren Dim: 400 mm 

"Jesus Falls for Third Time" BAs relief sculpture Notre Dame University Fremantle Sculptor Peter Schipperheyn

"The Last Supper"

Commissioned for Notre Dame University

Notre Dame University Fremantle W.A. Bronze

970 mm x 750 mm

"The Last Supper" Bas relief sculpture in bronze by Australian Sculptor Peter Schipperheyn

"In Principio"

Click on the image below to go to University of Notre Dame website

In Principio - University of Notre Dame Fremantle Scuklpture of the Madonna and Child Donated by Notre Dame, Indiana, US

"Madonna and Child"

Notre Dame University 

Carrara Marble 


Madonna & Child NDU Fremantle.jpg

Significant Artworks & Sculptures created for the Catholic Church

1. Whitefriars “Madonna” (Carrara Marble) Lifesize 2. Whitefriars “Mother and Child” (Bronze) Lifesize 3. St Joseph's Northcote Catholic Church “Baptismal Font” Adult immersion font (Carrara marble) 4. St Patricks Cathedral “Commemorative Plaque” (Bronze) and Pascal Lamb (Bronze), Lettering to the Garden ( “V” cut lettering to bluestone) 3 x “Relief Carvings to the Altar” (Portuguese pink marble) 5. Notre Dame University “Madonna & Child” (Carrara Marble) 6. Notre Dame 14 x “Stations of the Cross” (Bronze) 7. Notre Dame University “Staff” (Bronze and timber) 8. St Stephens Cathedral Brisbane “Altar, Lectern & Bishops Throne” “Baptismal Font” (Carrara Marble) 9. OLHC Church “Baptismal Font” ( Blue stone & Stainless steel) 10. OLHC 14 x “Stations of the Cross” (Bronze) 11. St Thomas Clyde North “Altar & Baptismal Font” (Carrara Marble) 12. Randwick Children’s Hospital “Mother & Child” (Carrara Marble) Over life size 2800 mm x 1000 mm x 1000mm 13. Australian Catholic University Melbourne Campus "The Last Supper" Station of the Cross bronze 14. Chapel "Madonna and Child" Australian Catholic University Melbourne Campus (Carrara Marble)

St Mary MacKillop

St Joseph College Kununurra W.A

Saint Mary McKillop for St Joseph's Kununurra W.A>

"Pascal Lamb"

Detail base relief carving Carrara marble "Altar"

St Thomas Catholic Church Clyde North Melbourne

Carrara Marble 2023

"Pascal Lamb" Detail from the Altar St Thomas Church Clyde North Mekbourne
Station of the Cross - The Last Supper Bronze relief sculpture Notre Dame University Fremantle
Mother Mary and boy Christ, lifesize sculp[ture in bronze Sculptor Peter Schipperheyn
In the Garden of Gethsemane - Station of the Cross Peter Schipperheyn
"Christ is Nailed to the Cross" University of Notre Dame Fremantle - Peter Schipperheyn
Bronze Comemmorative Plaque Commerating PopeJohn Paul II visit to St Patrick's Cathedral 28/6/1986
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